Ibanez A, Slachevsky A, Serrano C. Manual de Buenas Practicas para el diagnostico de demencia. Banco Interamericano del desarrollo. 2020.
This manual has been developed with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank. Thanks are also due to the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), the Alzheimer’s Association (grant GBHI ALZ UK-20-639295), the Latin American and Caribbean Consortium on Dementia (LAC-CD), the Multi-partner Consortium to Expand Dementia Research in Latin America (ReDLat), CUDIM of Uruguay, Fundación Ineco, Hospital Cesar Milstein, and Universidad de San Andres of Argentina, Fondecyt, Center of Gerociences, Mental Health and Metabolism (GERO) University of Chile, Memory and Neuropsychiatric Clinic (CMYN) Faculty of Medicine University of Chile and Hospital del Salvador, Center for Social and Cognitive Neuroscience (CSCN) School of Psychology University Adolfo Ibañez de Chile for enhancing its visibility and applicability. The contents of this publication are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official views of these Institutions.
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